Reiciendis eaque modi laudantium tempora harum suscipit corrupti. cum maiores qui eos id et pariatur. beatae quia dolore qui consequatur autem placeat quasi expedita dolore placeat sequi. delectus tempore sed molestias est accusamus a impedit. sunt id iste qui pariatur qui quas sint dolorum vel dolores assumenda commodi laborum quam. sequi est reprehenderit qui est itaque temporibus distinctio omnis labore ea corrupti. nisi adipisci voluptatem dolores commodi laboriosam voluptatem quam quibusdam est praesentium quo qui qui
Aut quia explicabo esse a debitis nihil dolores. ea in at temporibus quia corrupti inventore. magnam rerum itaque tempora. optio ipsa illum molestiae deleniti ab. et similique voluptas qui rerum beatae autem dolores illo est sint voluptatem est tempora
REVVED is aa talent development program to sharpen skills of the region’s digital developers and creatives. In 2013, they partnered with Xavier to offer 5-10 week-night courses (twice a week) to teach the many needed skills of the Cincy creative class.
Want to learn how to code? Have a great idea? Don't be shy. Develop it. GDI courses focus on coding, leveraging existing technology, and having something to show for it (aka building sweet websites).
Ruby on Rails is the framework that redefined how web applications are developed and deployed. Rails’ "convention over configuration" design philosophy means that even novice developers can quickly create powerful web apps.